Thursday, June 14, 2012

Ready, Get Set!

In a nut shell, life has been nothing short of AWESOMENESS! This year has already started to shape out to be such a blessing and breath of fresh air compared to last year (that's another story for a different time).  We should be expecting the arrival of our newest family member in about 2 weeks! Mr. B and I are both very excited along with Baby K who is now more of a toddler than baby.

In recent events, AKA this morning, I found out that I have been selected to be a vendor at this Summer's Farmers Market! I'm so excited and it caught me COMPLETELY Off Guard! It's been two weeks since they were going to notify vendors for the upcoming market and since I hadn't heard anything from them, I figured I wasn't selected.  But that has all changed and now I'm in full swing prep mode for the upcoming season! I'll be posting products I'll be selling soon. 

Life I just fantastic :)

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Where to Start?

Where to begin? ... I feel like my mind is just so jumbled lately with soooo ... many thoughts and questions. The most prominent one of them all has been, "Where do I begin?".  Seriously I feel like I could scream, but that would wake up the baby, lol. 

Any-who, my second best solution is to write down everything that has been rolling around in this head of mine. At times I wish I had my very own Pensieve (nerd reference from Harry Potter, in case you don't know what a Pensieve is, Professor Dumbledore explained it to Harry this way, "I use the Pensieve. One simply siphons the excess thoughts from one's mind, pours them into the basin, and examines them at one's leisure (in third person). It becomes easier to spot patterns and links, you understand, when they are in this form.It's basically a wizards way of keeping a journal, only you get a third person, 3D perspective from it. So after deciding screaming my frustrations out was a bad idea, I wrote everything down instead. Now I feel more relaxed and yet guilty for not writing in my journal more often than not, but that's another story for later. 

After reviewing my hefty list of thoughts, hopes, dreams, goals, etc. I realized that my priorities in life right now are out of sync with what matters most. While they are good priorities, they are not in the right order. I've discovered that when you make this realizations, the next step is the hard part of reorganizing and letting go of our past in persue with faith for a better future. 

"It's a puzzlement" as the King of Siam would say (from the King and I). Again after liberating my frustrations in writing, I again find myself faced with the same starting question. "Where to begin?". Where do I begin with my reorganizing and prioritizing, how do I start it all? And then a sweet still small voice calls to my mind, "from the beginning of what matters most." Finally, something I know the answer to. I know what matters most to me above all else in this life. My Family. 

And so the next steps I take into the future are all for my family, without them I would have nothing. They are my number one priority. 

Friday, August 19, 2011


I know it has been a loooong while since I last posted.  Life has been nothing short of joy, excitement, surprises, bump and bruises along the way.  Some times it feels as if we're taking on a full frontal attack with various problems to be solved, but all is well.  It has been through these various trials that I have come to know more about my Savior and the plan of happiness he has laid out for me.  I was reading in Mosiah 23:21-22 where it says,

"Nevertheless the Lord seeth fit to chasten his people; yea, he trieth their patience and their faith. Nevertheless - whosoever putteth his trust in him the same shall be lifted up at the last day. ..."

It has been in these two versus that I have found great peace.  The Lord is the master creator and knows exactly how to mold us into his masterpieces and reach our true and full potential. As he helps us along the road, he has to refine us. These refining moments can be viewed as our trials in life (where he trieth their patience and their faith).  However after we conquer our trials, we are left in a more perfect state from which we had started in the first place.
So the words, "he trieth their patience and their faith" are beautiful in that they are what qualify us and allow us to prove ourselves worthy to him. After we go through a trial, we can expect to go through another and continue in an upward spiral towards are full potential. It's beautiful.

Any-who, while reading in the ensign this morning I came across a wonderful quote that made for a great reminder.  Sometimes in life we're so caught up in solving our own problems, that we loose sight of what's truly important and the loved ones in our life who truly need us.  I wanted to share it with you all and in hopes that when the trials come and we are put through the refiners fire that we keep our eternal perspective and loved ones near.

If you arn't familiar with the scriptures I used click here on this link to learn about the Book of Mormon, Another Testament of Jesus Christ.

This quote came out of the August 2011 Ensign article "Love at Home" on page 4
You can download this quote for free by clicking here.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mothers Day!

Baby K decided to put her own spin to Mothers Day morning.  While I was asleep dreaming of buying the most amazing turquoise painted, antique sewing machine from the D.I (thrift store) I was jolted startled awake by the unhappy cry's of Baby K.  

While I sat up and looked around our bed for her, I realized 1. Mr. B was looking for her too in a half asleep state 2. Baby K had stopped crying and 3. She was nowhere to be found on our bed!  (Baby K sleeps through the night in her own bed, but in the mornings Mr. B likes to bring her in bed with us.  She usually will play in-between us or fall back asleep, but she never goes off the bed.  However, since she is now a walking, talking, climbing, toddler, she's been getting more adventurous.  

Since she was no where to be found on the bed, we started looking on the floor in case she wondered off the side (which was a first).  However, no baby was to be found! We then looked back in her pac-n-play, but no baby there either!  Wow, now we were really puzzled and starting to get worried. We just heard her crying a second ago and now nothing!  

Panic was really starting to set in when Mr. B found her under the bed!  It turns out she must have gotten herself off the bed and crawled under the it a while ago.  When Mr. B put her back on our bed, he also found the source or her crying, baby snacks!  She had found some snacks in a container and couldn't get the plastic lid off.  However she quickly figured that one out and proceeded to treat herself to the strawberry/apple cereal puffs under our bed, hence why she stopped crying and the silence that quickly followed.  After knowing Baby K was ok and perfectly content with her treats, she we all couldn't help but laugh.

All-in-all it was the best 1st mothers day morning ever!

This is my favorite picture of the two of us.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Change: You Gotta Love it!

Change, it happens so unexpectedly. Sometimes it can feel like a punch in the gut that knocks all the wind out of you. However, Come what may and love it! This week has been a whirl wind of unexpected events that will affect our future for the best. We're not ready to share with the blog world just yet what's up, but very soon! I heard sometime during the week that when our smooth running lives unexpectedly become interrupted, it's the Lord's hand helping to guide us on the path he has set for us. This 100% feels like one of those times for us. This up coming week is going to be great because we have Mr.B's mother and sister coming to visit us for the week and I know we are going to already have a blast and so much fun! Life is grand and couldn't possibly be any better than it is right now. Life is amazing and at the end of the day no matter what happens, "come what may and love it".

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Who Says?

This is an old post I did on my private blog a while ago and wanted to re-share it along with this awesome music video my friend Caley posted on her blog.  Check it out and leave a comment.  I hope you enjoy it and have a fantastic day!

Who said you can’t sing out loud to your favorite mix while getting ready for the day?

Who said you can't be best friends with your mother in law? She's the best!

good times, good times

Who said you can't teach yourself how to play the guitar?

me and my black acoustic/ electric fender

Who said you can't day dream your flying to the moon as an
astronaut in a trash can lid at the Home Depot?

Who said you can't draw with light?

we did

Who said you can’t dress up?

it's a favorite pass time

Who said you can’t finger paint when your older?

we had a blast!

Who said you can’t be yourself, act like yourself, and love being just you, an individual?


Who said men can’t sew? They obviously haven’t meet my husband yet.
this happens a lot

Who said you can’t keep your beta fish in a blender?

This is Edward, watched him for a friend who went on vacation

Who said you can’t dream big?

I have always wanted a room full of clothes

Who said you can’t accomplish something you put your mind to?

me jumping 5'-0" my coach said I was to heavy to have accomplished this,
but here I am soaring backwards in the air

Who said you can’t put your own air soft squad together, compete in
competitions, win and gain sponsorship from companies?

Ben started this group back in 2006 with mis-matched camo they found around. Now they meet regularly on the weekends and shoot each other up for the fun of it in matching ACU's

Who said you can’t be crazy in love?

we've been since January 2, 2008 and we're still going strong

So who said you can’t? ... ... ... ... Fear

Don't let it stop you or hold you back.

Monday, April 11, 2011


tiny and small
quick, clumsily, sweet
foundation to stand tall

This poem is from a previous poem day challenge.  Here is the template to write your own, enjoy!

LINE 1: one word    (the subject or title of the poem)
LINE 2: two words  (description of the subject)
LINE 3: three words (express action)
LINE 4: four words  (express a thought or feeling)
LINE 5: one word    (synonym for the title, restate the title differently)